April 1, 2024

Some stories suggest that the Bloody Mary was named after a server named Mary who worked at a saloon bar called The Bucket Of Blood in Chicago. Others claim it was named after Queen Mary Tudor of England. No one knows for sure, but as Prohibition waned the drink took off in America and the name stuck.


The Bloody Mary, probably the most variated cocktail around, served with a variety of garnishes creating more of a meal than a drink. Prawns, Olives and even croissant have been seen to lay on the top of the glass. The base spirit is traditionally vodka, paired with lemon, tabasco, garlic and of course topped off with tomato juice.


The morning after the night before; waking up with a hangover is usually inevitable after an evening of drinking but a Bloody Mary is often the potion required to ease the pain of the next day. Known as the lunch time cocktail, with its replenishing properties and the poison of alcohol this is the ultimate ‘hair of the dog’.

Our Wild Box Cocktail Bar at Macknade will be serving Bloody Mary’s and Ultimate Bloody Mary’s (think a meal in a glass) every Saturday & Sunday 12-2pm, visit us to cure those hangovers from the night before.

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